Washington Transfer of Firearm Process

(Updated July 2024)
In Washington State, a transfer of a firearm takes place when the ownership or possession of a firearm is passed from one person to another. This includes selling, gifting, or loaning a firearm. All transfers must go through a licensed firearms dealer, with a few exceptions such as transfers between immediate family members (as long as it’s within the State and not a currently banned firearm).
And although the process is relatively simple, there are a lot of steps involved, which can get confusing. So we thought it would be a good idea to put together an online gun transfer tutorial. There remain a lot of questions out there about the firearms transfer process among the gun-buying and gun-owning public.
But the good news is that the process is easy to navigate when you have professionals on your side. Sporting Systems, your gun dealer in Vancouver, Washington, is here to answer any questions you may have about how to transfer a gun. We’ll go over the firearms transfer process in general, including federal and state laws, and the online transfer process specifically.
Let us know if we can help clarify any of the information presented in this blog piece and/or the accompanying video (below).
Sporting Systems’ Firearm Transfer Process
First of all, congrats on your online firearm purchase! You’ve found the firearm you’ve been searching for and are ready to add it to your collection. The next step is to transfer that firearm.
It’s easy. The process to follow is simple and you’ll be in full compliance with the law in just a few steps–so let’s get started.
First, click on the Transfers tab at the top of this page. Make sure you read the instructions listed there. There’s a lot of valuable information contained in a few short paragraphs for both buyers and sellers. First and foremost, Washington residents are now REQUIRED to take a safety Permit to Purchase training class covering 8 specific topics before purchasing or transferring any firearm. This class is FREE of charge–please complete it before you come to the store.
Next, fill out the form at the bottom of the Transfers page. Either the buyer or the seller can complete the form. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the information such as the serial number; just complete as much of the form as you can.
Finally, hit that submit button. Our FLL (Federal Firearms License) and SOT (Special Occupational Taxpayers) are automatically sent to the seller’s email address so make sure you’ve included it on the form.
We’ll contact you when your firearm arrives, so that’s why we need all this information by the way. Please do not call asking for updates because we simply won’t know when any given firearm will reach us. Thank you for being patient!
But first, there’s an additional step on our end. We have to enter the firearm into the “Firearms Acquisition and Disposition Record” — aka the bound book. The FADR is a form used by licensed firearms dealers in the United States, including Washington State, to keep track of firearm transactions. Here’s what it typically includes:
- Acquisition Information: This section records details about how the dealer acquired the firearm, such as from whom it was purchased or obtained.
- Disposition Information: This part documents details about the sale or transfer of the firearm to a buyer, including the buyer’s information and the date of the transaction.
- Firearm Details: Information about the firearm itself, such as the make, model, serial number, and any other identifying features.
- Background Check Documentation: Records related to the completion of background checks for buyers, including the Firearms Transfer Application and any associated paperwork.
- Compliance Requirements: The FADR helps dealers comply with federal and state laws regarding the sale and transfer of firearms. It ensures that all necessary information is documented and that proper procedures are followed during transactions.
The FADR serves as a crucial record-keeping tool for licensed firearms dealers, enabling them to maintain accurate and organized records of firearm acquisitions and dispositions. This helps track the movement of firearms through legal channels and ensures accountability in the firearms sales process.
Once everything is recorded, we’ll give you a call!
What To Bring When You Pick Up Your Firearm
When you arrive to pick up your firearm, be sure to bring the following:
- Valid photo identification with current address showing state residency
- Your sales receipt from the seller. If this is a private party sale or gift, provide a private party/gift receipt for tax purposes.
- Completed HB1143/I-1639 class for purchase of any firearm. This is a requirement in the state of Washington. We offer the class for free!
Once you arrive, we’ll collect the FFL transfer fee, background check fee and any applicable sales taxes.
One last bit of info for you: We start the background check requirements in the store with you in person. (This can’t be done online.) All firearms now have a mandatory 10 business-day waiting period. When we get the approval from WSP we will call you with a pickup date.
Background checks expire after 30 days. After that, we have to start all over and you will have to pay the background check fee again! So please make sure you are able to pick up the firearm within 30 days of approval. Storage fees/application fees may apply if background checks expire without retrieval. After 90 days, it is possible that the firearm has to be declared abandoned and monies forfeited to Sporting Systems.
We appreciate your patience as we work through these processes. As an FFL dealer, we follow the letter of the law — both state and federal law requirements.
We make sure that each of our firearm transactions is done completely and properly. We don’t take shortcuts or skip any steps. This is to protect both those who receive a firearm (you) and those who sell the firearm (us).
As always, we’re here to help! Get in touch with any questions or concerns about possession of a firearm, long guns, temporary transfers, and more. We can also help out with other related topics, including law enforcement, gun shows, shooting ranges, and other items of interest.
And thank you for visiting with Sporting Systems today. Let us know how we can be of service.