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Trump and Dr. Phil talk election, family and revenge in wild interview: Live updates

Trump and Dr. Phil repeat lies Biden can stop state court criminal prosecutions

Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail following his conviction in New York last week.

The former president is doing a sweep of western states, beginning in Arizona, where at a town hall rally he mocked Joe Biden during a segment on the border calling the president’s immigration order “bulls***”.

Mr Trump also sat down for an interview with Dr Phil. He was asked about his “hardest, darkest moment” but the TV psychologist was lambasted on social media for the softball approach and fawning repetition of Trump lies about the criminal cases against him.

In a separate interview with Fox News, Mr Trump downplayed the threat of climate change, insisting that international unrest is of greater concern and declaring: “The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming.”

The Republican presidential candidate and convicted felon maintained that, while he remained a “very legitimate” candidate for the White House, the US had become a “banana republic”.

Meanwhile, the judge in the classified documents case in Florida will allow several parties not involved in the case to argue in favor of the former president’s attempt to dismiss the charges brought against him by special counsel Jack Smith.


Biden campaign trolls Trump over Dr Phil interview

The Biden campaign was quick off the mark in responding to Trump’s interview with Dr Phil.

You may recall that boxes of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago were found stacked on a ballroom stage… the eagle-eyed staffers at Biden-Harris HQ noticed something familiar…

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 02:39


Dr Phil blasted on social media over Trump softball interview that repeated MAGA lies

Trump sat down at Mar-a-Lago for an hour-long interview with the TV therapist in which he faced a series of softball questions and was allowed to lie repeatedly about his record and Joe Biden.

Dr Phil told the recently convicted president that he believed he had been “muzzled” by a judge in his New York hush money trial.

Graeme Massie has the full story:

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 02:30


Kellyanne Conway makes curious claim about Biden D-Day trip

If you tuned in this morning in the US to any news network you would have seen President Joe Biden standing with President Emmanuel Macron of France at the D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration before meeting other world leaders and chatting quite extensively with veterans of that historic day.

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway clearly watched something else…

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 02:23


David Sacks formally endorses Trump

Silicon Valley venture capitalist David Sacks has released a statement on why he is endorsing Donald Trump for president.

Sacks is hosting the former president at his home tonight for a fundraiser. He wrote on X:

Why I’m Backing President Trump

As many press accounts have reported, I’m hosting a fundraising event for President Donald J. Trump at my home in San Francisco this evening.

Over the last couple of years, I have hosted events for presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as several Congressional figures in both major parties. I give to many, but endorse few.

But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability – issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back.

He explains his reasoning based on four key points: the economy, foreign policy/Ukraine War, the border, and lawfare.

Read the full statement here:

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 02:14


Watch: ‘Why do you subject yourself to this?’

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 02:04


Trump says there are ‘people that control Biden’

Dr Phil: What do you say to yourselves when the crowds aren’t cheering, when you’re home alone, you’re, you know, you’re riding in the car, you’re you’re by yourself. What is the hardest, darkest moment that you can think of in this journey you’ve been on over the last several years?

Trump: You have to be very strong. You’re fighting off very evil forces, and they’re very smart forces. There are people that control Biden, totally true. I think I know who they are, largely but there are people that control. They’re very smart, very energetic, possibly they’re real believers, you know what their sick ideology is. But you have to be smart and you have to have confidence. I mean, you have to have a certain confidence. The other thing is, I realize over the years, you know, I’ve been through a lot great and bad, you know, I won the presidency.

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 01:52


Full story: Trump and Dr. Phil rip NY felony conviction and say Biden can stop state prosecutions

During a fawning one-on-one interview with Donald Trump, Dr Phil echoed the former president’s conspiratorial claims that Democrats silenced Donald Trump during his recent hush money trial to interfere with the 2024 election – as both ripped his conviction.

From the opening moments of the conversation on Dr Phil Primetime, the host made it clear he was on his guest’s side and offered little pushback to the former president’s lies and disproven claims.

“They need to stop this,” Dr Phil said of the criminal case against Trump. “They need to stop pursuing you.”

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 01:50


Trump: We have to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. Dwight Eisenhower had it very early on, because he was one that wanted strong voters.

Dr Phil: But you’re not against immigration?

Trump: No, I’m totally for it, but I think we need it desperately. But I don’t want their prisoners, and I don’t want their people from mental institutions, and I want people to come in legally. I want to let people coming. We need it. We do need it. We need people, but we need good people. We need people that aren’t going to blow up our shopping centers and kill people.

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 01:48


Trump: And, you know, in 2020 when I ran, I couldn’t even talk about, nobody want to hear about the border because I fixed it. I’ll fix it again. But the border today is is many, many times worse than it was in 2016.

Dr Phil: Well, I’ve been to the border, and they just straight up say we’re using tax dollars to send some of these children that are coming known prostitution jobs, because we don’t have the ability to check they’re just sending them all.

Trump: You know, we have 88,000 missing children. Now, can you imagine if that would Trump that had 88,000 missing children? 88,000 that’s a holocaust. That’s as bad as I mean, think of it. These are young children, and also women. The they take women and they trade women. And I had it brought down to the lowest level, because I had a border that was actually strong.

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 01:47


Trump repeats claims about countries sending prisoners to US

Donald Trump repeated his bizarre claim that countries across the world are emptying their prisons and mental institutions into the US, calling Joe Biden “mentally deficient”.

Trump: All the gang members are now in the United States, happily living in the United States. The United States of America has become a dumping ground because of a very mentally deficient president. And it’s not him. I don’t believe it’s him. I do think he knows what’s going on. I think he’s sort of an evil guy, but he’s not at the top of his game, and he never was very good at it.

After talking about foreign policy, he said of foreign leaders: “They love him as our president. They don’t respect him. They think he’s weak and incompetent. Now, one thing I’ll say, he’s surrounded by a lot of fascists and communists, but a lot of fascists, and they’re young and they’re smart, and that’s who’s running our country.”

Oliver O’Connell7 June 2024 01:34

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