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US will send more military aid to Ukraine after Biden signs $95bn national security funding bill

The United States will “within hours” dispatch sorely needed weapons to aid Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invading forces after President Joe Biden’s signature on a $95 billion security appropriations bill ended a months-long standoff fuelled by isolationist Republican opposition.

Mr Biden signed the long-awaited legislation at the White House on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after the Senate voted to approve it by a margin of 78 votes in favour and 18 against.

Speaking from the White House State Dining Room just after he put pen to paper, Mr Biden said the day was “ a good day “for America … a good day for Europe,” and “for world peace, for real”.

“This is consequential,” he said, adding that law he’d just signed would “make America safer” and “make the world safer” while continuing “American leadership in the world”.

“It gives vital support to America’s partners … so they can defend themselves against threats to their sovereignty, and the lives and freedom of their citizens”.

He also called the new spending law “an investment in our own security, because when our allies are stronger … we are stronger”.

“I’m grateful. We’re all grateful to all those in Congress, Democrats, Republicans, independents who voted for this bill. Its path to my desk … was a difficult path. It should have been easier and should have gotten there sooner. But in the end we did it … we rose to the moment came together, and we got it done,” he said.

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