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U.S. Ruling Class Will “Green Light” An Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

Ruling United States tyrant Joe Biden and his team of controllers are said to be approving an Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which could result in a major escalation of the war in the Middle East. The U.S’s Lebanon envoy Amos Hochstein, a former Israeli soldier born in Jerusalem, reportedly gave the “green light” to Israel to expand its war with Lebanon.”

Hochstein and presidential Middle East advisor Brett McGurk “privately told Israel that the U.S. would support its decision to ramp up military pressure against Hezbollah.”

“While Biden was busy playing Commander-in-Chief and pushing for a ceasefire while cursing Netanyahu left and right, Hochstein was apparently telling Israel they can do whatever the hell they want,” said Information Liberation’s Chris Menahan.

The U.S. has been talking as if it wants a ceasefire, and has bombed Yemen; an obvious escalation in the war.

U.S. Has Launched Strikes Against Yemen

Natural News has posed the question of whether or not Hochstein has dual citizenship (U.S. and Israel) and therefore cannot be trusted to make unbiased decisions. Of course, everyone in any ruling capacity is only going to seek more power and wealth, and as long as the slave provide it through their belief that they should be ruled, the war-mongering charade will continue.

U.S. Bombers Attack Houthi Weapons Storage Facilities In Yemen

This war is threatening to expand at any moment. We should be prepared just in case. One misstep by anyone involved could result in a major and likely global war. This one could be religious too, with Islam on one side. There are a lot more Islamic countries in the Middle East than there are Jewish or Christian one. A holy war would not fare well for anyone who gets involved.

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