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Personal Defense

U.S. Ruling Class: A “Limited Scope” Response To Iran’s Attack On Israel Is Coming

Israel’s war cabinet reportedly met for several hours on Tuesday, and there is currently widespread speculation over a possible Israeli military response to Iran. The United States ruling class is now saying that a “limited scope” response is forthcoming.

But with few clear answers or indicators as yet revealed concerning what’s coming next, it’s hard to anticipate what the next move will be. Many other rulers are saying any response is going to massively aggravate Iran while likely causing a more widespread regional war, if not a world war. What is clear is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling class is planning to do “something” big to hit back at the unprecedented Saturday night ballistic missile and drone attack launched from Iranian soil.

These tit-for-tat attacks were kicked off when Israel flattened Iran’s consulate in Damascus on April 1st, an unprecedented act of aggression on a diplomatically protected location. Iran’s attack was in response to the Israeli attack on Tehran’s consulate in Syria.

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Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told reporters at The Times of Israel on Tuesday that Iran will not get off “scot-free. He said additionally, “We cannot stand still from this kind of aggression” and that “we will respond in our time, in our place, in the way that we will choose.” The United States ruling class and other Western masters are still publicly lobbying for restraint and a return to the status quo.

The U.S. allegedly also wants Iran to “allow” Israel to strike them symbolically so that they can also “save face.” This is a disturbing concept on many levels.

The ruling classes keep playing games and the cost is the lives of the slaves they obviously care nothing about.

Tehran has continued to warn it is ready to hit back stronger and harder, with Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran’s deputy foreign minister for political affairs, saying that should Israel retaliate then the response speed from Iran “will be less than a few seconds.”

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