The Third Atomic Bomb: Self-replicating RNA vaccines

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé.
Dr. Robert Malone recently returned to the USA from Japan. While he was there, a large crowd were protesting the roll-out of the new self-replicating RNA vaccines which the Japanese are referring to as “the third atomic bomb.”
At the end of September, Dr. Robert Malone was speaking at a rally in Washington D.C. when he referred to the self-replicating RNA vaccines, or replicon vaccines, that are being rolled out in Japan.
Related: Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster and Japan: Replicon “vaccines” could turn people into mobile “vaccine” factories
What started as ‘Defeat The Mandates’, a historic idea to bring together the world’s leading covid-19 dissidents in the early days of the vaccine mandates, and ‘Rage Against The War Machine’ in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict, has now become ‘Rescue the Republic: Join The Resistance’.
On 29 September, Rescue the Republic gathered in Washington “to defend and celebrate the values and principles that have made America and the West the freest, fairest and most productive society the world has ever known.”
You can find the full 7-hour replay and clips taken from the gathering HERE. One of the clips features Drs. Mary Holland, Pierre Kory, and Robert W. Malone; each briefly spoke before US Senator Ron Johnson took to the stage. We have embedded the video below to begin with Dr. Malone’s speech.
Dr. Malone had recently returned from the International Crisis Summit 6 held in Tokyo, Japan, on 25-26 September.
“I just came back from Tokyo where they had a 30,000-person rally because they’re about to deploy self-replicating RNA vaccines. Japan is being used as the guinea pigs for the world for this new technology. The Japanese people are calling this the third atomic bomb,” he told the crowd at the Rescue the Republic rally.
The replicon vaccine Kostaive is one of the five injections included in the Japanese government’s routine COVID-19 vaccination program, which began on 1 October and runs until the end of March.
Japan was the first country to approve the replicon vaccine which is being dubbed the “next generation” mRNA vaccine. The European Medicines Agency is currently reviewing a request for the injection’s approval in the European Union.
Earlier this month, Japan Times reported that the new replicon covid “vaccine” has “sparked extreme anxiety among parts of the public, leading some businesses to deny services to those who have received the shot and causing at least one clinic to stop giving the vaccine for fear of being harassed.”
It is not only the Japanese who are extremely concerned about the replicon injections – we all are. In the following Paul Philips poses 20 questions about replicon “vaccines” we should all be asking.
New Self-Replicating Nanotech Vaccines – 20 Questions We All Should Be Asking
By Paul A. Philips
As explained by Dr. Robert Malone in the video, not so long ago, 30,000 Japanese citizens took to the streets in Tokyo to protest the planned rollout of a new self-replicating nanotechnology covid-19 so-called vaccine. Prominent related healthcare professionals in Japan issued warnings describing this new replicon “vaccine” as the “third atomic bomb.”
In spite of the mass protests the vaccine industrial complex perpetrators are set to defy these protesters: The Japanese MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare) gave approval to the proposed ARCT-154 vaccine rollout.
As stated by Dr. Malone there have even been threats of legal action on the protesters, even jail time, for criticising the vaccine, labelling them as spreaders of “misinformation” in spite of the fact that the drug manufacturer doesn’t seem to be able to provide any data in support of mRNA replication capabilities in the new vaccine when injected into humans.
This new “vaccine” is planned to be rolled out in the United States, sometime in the fall.
In light of this here are 20 questions we all should be asking NOW.
1. Given that, in retrospect, the Japanese have been staunch opposers of the vaccine, for example, their government had issued a public apology over its detrimental effects, doesn’t this country’s 180° turnaround indicate that the deeply dark corrupt medical establishment and associates in their genocidal octopus alliance have shown overwhelming control over Japan and its decision making, and will likewise influence other countries?
2. Isn’t it clear evidence that crimes in the medical-pharmaceutical establishment have been committed when severe illnesses and deaths from their toxic poisons haven’t been addressed? Consider this with regard to the VAERS data and its much underreporting.
3. If it was such a great product then why is it maiming and killing so many?
4. Aren’t the dangers to life, lack of safety and cover-up of unlisted potentially harmful adjuvants (vaccine ingredients) more than apparently clear by now, due to a lack of scrutiny?
5. Where is the “First Do No harm” or “Hippocratic Oath” (more like hypocritic oath) in all this??
6. Why aren’t the medical-pharmaceutical government agencies, related healthcare workers and academia really looking into these vaccine adverse event injuries with serious challenges, where are their interrogations?
7. Following on from the above, when the corporate media is blatantly in collusion with the medical-pharmaceutical with their misinformation and disinformation, cover-ups and lies, isn’t this stand-down behaviour another clear case of “harm over health” in this profiteering racket?
8. Further, when injected into the body, how does the self-replicating nanotech process switch off?
9. Do the vaccine manufacturers even care whether or not the self-replicating process switches off?
10. La Quinta Columna claims that the related research carried out on the vaccines shows no mRNA present, but its self-replicating aspect is based on graphene oxide nanotech. Is the mRNA claim merely a cover arm for the graphene nanotech?
11. Following on, given that there is no related data available, no human trials indicating what these injectables are doing, aren’t the manufacturer’s pictures and illustrations explaining what is going on, for example, so-called viruses represented as “spikey balls,” merely cartoons based on unproven theory??!
12. Could the lack of data be because we are not privy to knowing what the vaccine is really doing in human bodies?
13. What about the level of the so-called vaccine activity over time with consideration to the long-term and its effects on humans?
14. How exactly is the genetic make-up targeted and how do the genes switch on and off?
15. Can the self-replicating transfer, for example, in pregnant women to their unborn child, where is the evidence to say doesn’t?
16. Considering the interrogatory and the lies in response, what then, are we missing here?
17. Considering the related research with its fake science manipulations does anybody want to be jabbed with unscientific propaganda theory??
18. If we do not push back won’t this self-replicating nano-technology be so far advanced that there will come a time when nothing can be done about it? For instance, consider a scenario where vaccine robot police enforcement detects that you have been un-vaxxed. If you refuse to be vaxxed then they will force-vaccinate you with their vaccine guns.
19. Following on, will it make you an outright enemy of the state “conspiracy theorist” to believe in your body’s natural ability to heal; to have a healthy immune system supported with naturopathic health?
20. While these nut-job globalists isolate themselves in a protective bubble from shedding, could the rest of the world population soon become too sedated to realize what’s happening to them, isn’t the writing on the wall?
The list goes on.
Things could get ugly when confronted with an agendised fake mass-murdering depopulation bioweapon. However, consistent and persistent pushback is indeed crucial.
So is protection.
If you don’t want your life turned into a debilitating existence or wind up dead consider the protective measures needed, especially the protection needed for the vulnerable, such as the children and elderly.
It has been said that there are a number of protective solutions that will destroy the so-called vaccine nano-bots and their replication capabilities.
Treatment solutions include EDTA/Vitamin C, methylene blue, nicotine patches, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin. It’s up to you to do your own research and find solutions.
Then, from what you have learned, spread your words of warning and protection to others; shine some light in these darkest days.
About the Author
Paul Philips graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for many years in healthcare. He is now retired.