Anthony Fauci Is Back With A Hypocritical Bird Flu Message

Anthony Fauci, the head medical tyrant during the COVID-19 scamdemic, said that he’s worried about bird flu and the danger it could pose to humanity. However, he also warns that it is the public division on the issues of disease that’s a problem, and not the viruses.
In an article by Scientific American, Fauci was interviewed and made several telling comments about his stance on controlling the public.
Also, it’s important to note Scientific American has stated a conflict of interest right off the bat: This episode is part of “Health Equity Heroes,” an editorially independent special project that was produced with financial support from Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
Since the COVID-19 scamdemic, many people have been researching and learning about a buried theory of terrain theory. We are only told of germ theory. Why is that? Both are still theories, no neither have been proven, but one is definitely said to be “scientifically” more valid. Is that because the ruling class wants it to be so they can sell the cure back to the public when terrain theory says there is no cure?
A great explanation of the difference came from Nutritionist Resource:
“Germ theory” suggests that germs are what we need to worry about and we need to keep finding ways to kill them off. Meanwhile, “terrain theory” argues that if the body is well and balanced, then germs that are a natural part of life and the environment will be dealt with by the body without causing sickness.
Germ theory claims we get sick because of viruses and bacterial infections whereas terrain theory claims our sickness is simply a toxicity in the body and its way of regulating the system. Only one of these theories has the potential to make people a lot of money, however, and we know which one that is and why it’s so prevalent in the discussions.
Fauci has claimed that our “common enemy” is the bird flu or COVID-19, those pesky germs, and not each other, while also claiming that the public division (people doing what’s right for them and coming to their own conclusions about what goes into their body) is the problem. This is one of the most hypocritical stances to take, but we are talking about Fauci, so it’s par for the course.
Fauci also said that one lesson the ruling class learned was that the public wanted answers. But because the rulers pushed germ theory, they didn’t have to give them because they could just say that the virus was “mutating and changing”.
“So that was a lesson learned from this for the next time: is that we have to make it very clear when we’re speaking to the public that we are dealing with evolving, changing information and the science is a process that’s self-correcting, that when we get new information it may differ from the information we had two, three, four, five months ago, and we’ve gotta make it clear that that is because the virus and the outbreak is changing, not because scientists are flip-flopping,” Fauci said.
He added that the one thing that’s good about bird flu is that there has yet to be any evidence of this germ theory of human-to-human transmission of the virus. “The thing that’s of concern today is that it isn’t just chicken to human [transmission] and then a dead end in human. Thank goodness, the humans who have been infected have not transmitted it to other humans,” he said.
However, when they want this to become a “pandemic”, the bird flu will magically start mutating and infecting humans, and there’s already a “vaccine” stockpiled and ready to go when that does happen.