Operation Lock Step: Is Phase Three Being Put In Motion?

This article was originally published by Barbara Expose at The Daily Exposé.
A document published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010, titled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.”, described the possible ramifications of a Pandemic. The “Lock Step” scenario imagined a world where national governments imposed strict top-down control and authority in response to a global pandemic, with citizens complying with government restrictions.
The “Lock Step” section detailed how countries might react to a global crisis, such as a pandemic, with varying degrees of government control. It discussed how more authoritarian governments might succeed in containing the virus by enforcing strict lockdowns, surveillance, and control measures, while other countries with less centralized control might struggle to manage.
Covid-19 was used as a Catalyst for Authoritarian Control. The scenario in this booklet stated that during a pandemic, some governments could impose strict regulations and lockdowns, requiring citizens to comply without question. This centralized control would be successful in containing the pandemic. Over time, these control measures would become permanent, leading to increased government surveillance, biometric IDs, and restrictions on freedoms, even after the pandemic ended. This scenario also emphasized that the public would largely comply with these restrictions, following all orders given, viewing them as necessary to protect public health and safety.
This “Lock Step” scenario was used as a forebearer of a planned agenda for a future authoritarian world government. Also pushed by WEF and the puppets that had been placed in different government departments across the world, used under the guise of a reset, as a way to test people’s breaking point.
There are considered 3 phases that governments would use during the pandemic to roll out increasing levels of authoritarianism. They look something like this:
Phase One: The outbreak of a virus and the initial government responses, such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing measures, often referred to as a “trial run” to test public compliance.
Phase Two: Escalation of fear through media coverage, leading to increased government control measures, such as extended lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and the restriction of civil liberties.

Phase Three: This phase would involve a more permanent state of control, where extreme government measures (such as police and military enforcement, forced vaccinations, and digital IDs) would become the norm. In this phase, there is a high level of poverty and a chance of economic collapse, food shortages, and further erosion of people’s freedoms, leading to a more authoritarian, surveillance-heavy world. The WEF has been very brazen about this phase, using the pandemic opportunity to supercharge their agenda, stating that the control of people’s liberties is a positive step for us all.
As we are all witness to in these current times, top-down authority is starting to tighten its grip on every aspect of our lives, from the food we should consume, to where and how we should travel, even to what we are allowed to say. Our finances are being closely monitored, and digital ID is just around the corner for many of us.
This socialist playbook has been in the making for decades, with the Rockefeller Foundation just being one of the players to show us all exactly what has been in store for our future. Therefore, there is an increasing need for us to learn and understand exactly what we are all facing. We are at a pivotal moment in man’s continuing struggle as free and autonomous beings, which we must hold on to at all costs.