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Guns & Gear

POTD: “That Rifle On The Wall Of The Labourer’s Cottage…”

“That Rifle On The Wall Of The Labourer’s cottage…”

Photo Of The Day – the best online place to view the coolest images of firearms and soldiers. We start with a quote from George Orwell, an English novelist: “That rifle on the wall of the labourer’s cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”

I recently had the opportunity to do a modern take on the subject, with a JP Rifles .223 Wylde with a 16″ barrel, and a 9mm B&T APC9 with 5-6 inches or so of barrel length. Unfortunately, I forgot the three-lug suppressor at home, but there will be a next time. The white rifle to the left runs Spuhr’s new RDF mount, and the right one a Pulsar Talion thermal riflescope – for no other reason than because I could!

I’m sure Orwell’s quote has stuck in many people’s minds over the years. How about you? Do you have a better, or similar, quote?

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