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Guns & Gear

Kalashnikov Concern Deliver Batch of New AK-12 (2023)

AK-12 Model 2023 (Kalashnikov Concern)

Russia’s Kalashnikov Concern have announced the delivery of another initial batch of improved AK-12s. The AK-12 Model 2023 has a number of small but significant changes including the removal of the earlier AK-12’s two-round burst function, a new stock with cheek riser, a new fixed muzzle device and small improvements to the rear sight. Kalashnikov Concern also note that it has some undisclosed internal improvements. Check out our earlier article on the Improved AK-12 for more.

AK-12 Model 2023 (Kalashnikov Concern)

The changes came about, Kalashnikov Concern say, from soldiers’ experience in the field with the previous two (2018 and 2021) iterations of the AK-12.

Here’s Kalashnikov Concern’s release in full:

Kalashnikov has completed the shipment of the next batch of improved AK-12 assault rifles to the customer

JSC Concern Kalashnikov has shipped the next batch of improved AK-12 assault rifles of the 2023 model to the customer. Before this, the products passed a full cycle of mandatory tests.

The need to refine the AK-12 of the previous two types (2018 and 2021) was identified during use in the Northern Military District zone: combat experience required the designers and technologists of the enterprise to search for new solutions to improve and modify the machine.

AK-12 Model 2023 (Kalashnikov Concern)

Now, in particular, the design of the AK-12 of the 2023 model includes a non-removable slotted flash suppressor-compensator and a firing mechanism with a two-way safety switch. The new diopter sight has become more universal and all-weather: it has a reversible rear sight with holes of different diameters – making it easier to shoot in conditions of limited visibility. A lifting cheek piece is installed for ease of aiming when using optical or night sights. The mounting system for the receiver cover and the design of the forend have also changed. In turn, the two-shot cut-off mode is excluded.

AK-12 Model 2023 with suppressor (Kalashnikov Concern)

In addition to these important and visible changes, the 2023 model AK-12 has received a number of technological updates that have improved its performance. As a result, the machine gun has become lighter, and the design meets all modern requirements for this type of weapon in terms of ergonomics and ease of combat use. At the same time, the improved AK-12 retained its traditional reliability and resistance to external influences.

“The Kalashnikov Concern regularly receives feedback from the SVO zone regarding the AK-12 assault rifle. The customer’s specialists promptly prepare changes to the technical specifications for the product and submit them to the enterprise for execution. So the work to improve it does not stop for a day or an hour. We are increasing its effectiveness and, thereby, helping our soldiers to successfully carry out combat missions and survive,” commented Alan Lushnikov, president of the Kalashnikov concern.

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