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Guns & Gear

How To Shoot A Rifle While Prone

Learning to shoot your rifle takes practice. It also takes plenty of patience to learn how your firearm works and how you can best control it. Here, we will discuss how to shoot a rifle while prone.

What is the prone position?

The straight-leg prone position is simply this: You lay down on your stomach, keep your legs straight and flat behind you.

This is a fairly simple position for most people to get into. If you find that this position is a bit difficult, you can use the cocked-leg prone position instead. Simply cock your right leg to take some pressure off of the stomach and chest area.

Practice these positions without your gun first so you can get into it quickly. When you feel confident you can do that, practice with the rifle, then align your position with the target.

You’ll likely need to work a little to find your comfort zone, but don’t worry, you will. Whether you shoot with your right or left hand, with time you’ll get into your natural position quickly without thinking about it.

Tips on shooting in the prone position:

Tip #1: Know where your elbows go.

When you assume the prone position, make sure to keep your support elbow — the flat part, not the bony part — under the rifle. This body contact helps keep the gun more stable and allows you to better focus on your target. Then be sure that your firing side elbow is in a solid, comfortable position.  

Tip #2: Know where your legs go.

Place your heels flat against the ground. Or keep your firing side leg bent at the knee to help keep pressure off the chest and stomach. In short, do what is comfortable for your body type.

Because you will likely be assuming the prone position while you are out in a field of vegetation or brush that may not be completely flat, you will need to practice a lot to ensure you are in a stable firing position.

Practice shooting in both positions to see which one is most comfortable and see which one you can get in and out of most quickly. Again, over time, you will find your natural point of aim and get more comfortable positioning your arm and the rifle (the butt of the rifle).

Whether you’re using your rifle for target shooting, hunting, or something else, our experienced team at Sporting Systems can help find a firearm that’s right for you. Visit us today! And remember to like and follow us on Facebook and sign up for updates.

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