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Chad Daybell trial updates: Jury selection begins in murder case for husband of ‘cult mom’ Lori Vallow

Related video: Lori Vallow is sentenced to life in prison

The husband of “doomsday cult mom” Lori Vallow is finally having his day in court as he goes on trial over the triple-murder case that shocked America.

Chad Daybell’s trial is set to begin on Monday morning in Ada County Courthouse, Idaho, with jury selection.

The 55-year-old doomsday author and father-of-five is charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and grand theft over the deaths of his first wife Tammy Daybell, and his second wife Vallow’s children, Tylee Ryan, 16, and son Joshua “JJ” Vallow, 7.

Tylee and JJ vanished in September 2019, with Tammy dying suddenly the next month.

As Vallow and Mr Daybell jetted to Hawaii to marry on a beach, a desperate search got under way to find the missing children. In June 2020, their remains were found in a pet cemetery on Mr Daybell’s property.

Last year, Vallow was convicted of all charges over the three murders and was sentenced to life in prison. At her trial, jurors heard how she, Mr Daybell and her late brother Alex Cox were fuelled, in part, by their bizarre cult beliefs.

If convicted, he faces the death penalty or life in prison.


Court is back as jury selection continues

Chad Daybell’s defence attorney John Prior is back at the podium.

Prior asks the jury pool how many people have seen anything about the case in the media about the case.

There are several cards that go up.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 18:26


Court on break

Court is in recess for 15-20 mins.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 18:05


Potential juror jokes being sequestered would not be worst thing

One of the potential jurors, who is a  mother of five children, told Prior she has concerns about serving on the jury for two months because of her children.

But she drew some laughs from the courtroom when she said that being sequestered would not be the worst thing in the world.

If Chad Daybell is found guilty, the jury would be sequestered until verdict is reached.

They will decide if Daybell gets life in prison or the death penalty.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:49


Defence asks jury pool if there is anyone who ‘does not want to be here’

Defence attorney John Prior is now speaking to the jury pool.

He says he just wants them to be honest.

Prior then asks if there is anyone who just does not want to be here (at the trial).

Nobody raises their card and Prior jokes, “you are all excited to be here.”

One juror then admits that he wants to do his civic duty, and knows it’s the right thing.

But says he’s a year into his new job and is worried about how serving will affect that.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:41


Chad Daybell stares down potential jurors as they’re being questioned

The state tells the potential jurors that there will be autopsy photos in this case that will be shown – and that they are hard to look at.

He asks the jurors if they will be able to still weigh all the evidence properly even with the difficult photos.

Daybell remains emotionless at the defence table as he continues to look at the jury pool.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:26


Prosecution asks potential jurors to be ‘brutally honest’

Madison County Prosecutor Rob Wood is now asking the potential jurors questions.

During his voir dire, he tells them if they are asked anything uncomfortable, they should tell them – and tells them to be “brutally honest.”

When he asks a juror what this means, the juror says “not mincing words, telling the full truth.”

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:16


Judge asks potential jurors about the death penalty

Judge Boyce is asking the potential jurors about any issues they may have or may not have with the death penalty.

He asks if they have a religious or moral position that would prohibit them from rendering a fair and impartial verdict.

Nobody raises their hand.

The attorneys will now ask the potential jurors questions.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:09


Several potential jurors raise hands when asked if they’ve heard about case

When Judge Boyce asks the potential jurors if they’ve heard about the case, several of them raise their hands.

He then asks if they already have a state of mind that would prevent them from being impartial.

Two jurors raise their hands.

The defence asks for a sidebar and the livestream has paused while they leave the room.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 17:03


Potential jurors questioned about ability to serve on jury

Judge Boyce explains to the potential jurors they would need to serve for 8-10 weeks and asks them if this would create any hardships.

One juror says his wife has an autoimmune disease and because he is her provider, he said it would be difficult to serve on the jury. He was excused.

Another juror asked to be excused because her daughter’s graduation is in May and issues with dealing with her late mother’s estate. She was also excused.

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 16:54


Chad Daybell stares ahead as judge reads jury selection instructions

Chad Daybell is sitting at the defence table with his attorney John Prior.

He’s wearing a light blue shirt – a change from the white shirt he has been wearing at pre-trial hearings.

(Judge Steven Boyce YouTube channel)

Andrea Cavallier1 April 2024 16:46

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