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Guns & Gear

B.E. Meyers Announces DAGIR and MILR Laser Devices

B.E. Meyers MILR

B.E. Meyers has just announced two new laser devices. The DAGIR is an infrared illuminator and aiming laser for night vision shooting. Their other new product, the MILR (Miniature Intelligent Laser Rangefinder) incorporates rangefinding capabilities along with visible and IR aiming lasers.

Night Vision @ TFB:

B.E. Meyers Announces DAGIR and MILR Laser Devices

B.E. Meyers DAGIR

The DAGIR utilizes a “Vertical-Cavity, Surface Emitting Laser” or VCSEL, for illumination. B.E. Meyers also uses this technology in the KIJI illuminator. The DAGIR will be available in black and FDE finishes. Look for it to hit the market fully in 2025.

B.E. Meyers Announces DAGIR and MILR Laser Devices

B.E. Meyers DAGIR

The MILR combines all sorts of cutting-edge tech for computing firing solutions. Applied Ballistics and data from Bluetooth-connected devices like Kestrel weather meters combine with the ranging data from the MILR to put rounds on target easily. Like the DAGIR, the MILR will also be released fully in 2025 in both FDE and black.


B.E. Meyers Announces DAGIR and MILR Laser Devices

B.E. Meyers MILR

From the manufacturer:

The DAGIR™ Multi-Platform Advanced Laser System is a weapon-mountable NIR illuminator and NIR + visible aiming device incorporating advanced VCSEL technology that allows for full manipulation of the system. Its optimized interface and proprietary Wakizashi™ port allow for quick and easy adjustment to suit rapidly changing environments.

To ensure a decisive advantage during night operations and increase survivability and lethality of the operator, a novel approach to range finding, infrared illumination, and targeting via a new fire control system was proposed by B.E. Meyers & Co.  The MILR™ Miniature Intelligent Laser Rangefinder is a Class 3B/3R combination high-power infrared aiming and illumination device with visible pointer, as well as range-finding ballistic computer (via the Applied Ballistics™ integrated software) that can both provide holds on-screen for use with a day-optic or actively declinate the disturbed infrared aiming laser for ballistic compensation when using head-borne night vision devices.

All images from B.E. Meyers

Daniel Y

AKA @fromtheguncounter on Instagram. Gun nerd, reloader, attorney, and mediocre hunter. Daniel can still be found on occasion behind the counter at a local gun store. When he is not shooting, he enjoys hiking, camping, and rappelling around Utah.

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