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Michael Cohen warns Trump will run US ‘like the Führer’ if reelected after Supreme Court immunity ruling

Donald Trump’s former lawyer and one-time fixer Michael Cohen has warned that his ex-boss will run the country “like the Führer” if he is re-elected in November, thanks to the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump, and other presidents, have absolute immunity from prosecution for actions that fall under a president’s “core” powers – or those directly given by the US Constitution.

The majority of justices also ruled that presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution for “official acts” but not for “unofficial acts” – though the court did not specify what these acts could be.

Citing theTrump vs US ruling, Cohen told The Daily Beast that the former president could now wield his power in whatever way he wants if he takes back the White House this November.

“He’ll run the country like a king, like a supreme leader, like a monarch, like a dictator, like the Führer,” Cohen said, invoking the German word strongly associated with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

“If re-elected in November, in light of the Supreme Court ruling, his worst impulses will be magnified a hundredfold.”

“The depth of Donald’s actions will not be merely isolated to critics, political enemies and the like,” he added, offering the example of “uber-wealthy” individuals like Elon Musk-types seeing “consequences”.

“Donald cares for no one or anything other than the almighty dollar,” Cohen said, warning: “No one will be safe.”

Michael Cohen warned that the Supreme Court’s recent immunity ruling could embolden Donald Trump
Michael Cohen warned that the Supreme Court’s recent immunity ruling could embolden Donald Trump (AFP via Getty Images)

Cohen went on to claim that Trump plans to dismantle parts of the government to consolidate power to the executive branch in which he now has immunity from criminal prosecution.

“Members of the Supreme Court and federal judges will similarly become neutered as Donald fulfills his promise to dismantle our tripartite system of government, stripping the legislative and judicial branches of their coequal power and conferring all power to the executive branch; meaning himself,” Cohen said.

Cohen appeared to be referencing part of Project 2025 – a presidential transition plan led by the conservative group the Heritage Foundation to implement conservative policies into government should Trump be re-elected.

Part of Project 2025 includes plans to expand executive authority over federal agencies and install ideologically like-minded individuals into positions of power over civil servants.

The former president has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, claiming he does not know who is behind it and specifying that he has not endorsed the policies part of the plan.

However, multiple leaders behind Project 2025 served in senior positions in the Trump administration and some policies have overlapped with Trump’s Agenda47.

The Independent has contacted the Trump campaign for comment.

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