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Trump hurls insults at ‘broken down’ Biden and ‘pathetic’ Kamala as he claims president is quitting race: Live

President Joe Biden addresses the nation after the US Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity

Donald Trump has posted a video to Truth Social in which he is seen falsely claiming that embattled president Joe Biden has already quit the 2024 race for the White House, referring to him as “broken down” after last week’s debate in Atlanta and ridiculing his vice president Kamala Harris as “pathetic”.

The Republican presidential candidate is seen sitting in a golf cart alongside his teenage son Barron Trump and declaring to an unidentified third party: “He just quit, you know – he’s quitting the race… and that means we have Kamala.”

”I think she’s going to be better,” Trump scoffs sarcastically.

“She’s so pathetic, she’s so f***ing bad. Can you imagine… dealing with [Vladimir] Putin, the president of China – who’s a fierce person, he’s a fierce man, a very tough guy…”

Trump has largely resisted the lure of the limelight in recent days, preferring to allow the crisis engulfing the Democratic Party over Biden’s health and fitness to serve another term to play out naturally.

On Wednesday, the president hotly denied he was dropping out and met with three leading Democratic governors to reassure them about his readiness for the fight.


Watch: White House says Biden ‘staying in the race’ for re-election

Here’s Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterating the president’s position.

White House says Biden ‘staying in the race’ for re-election

The White House is denying reports that President Joe Biden is considering dropping out of his re-election bid. “The president is clear-eyed and he is staying in the race,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in Wednesday’s daily briefing (3 July). “He is staying. He’s staying in the race. That is what the president is promised to do. That is what he wants to continue to work on the successes that he’s had. His record is on this unprecedented record, and that is what the president is focused on continuing to deliver for the American people. And he looks forward to doing that. This comes after the outcry over Mr Biden’s shaky performance in last week’s debate against Republican Donald Trump.

Joe Sommerlad4 July 2024 10:00


Biden insists ‘I’m not leaving’ as allies prepare for campaign end

Contrary to Trump’s lies, President Joe Biden has insisted to his campaign staff that no one is pushing him out and that he’s “not leaving” his re-election campaign after multiple reports suggested on Wednesday that he is preparing to drop out if he fails crucial campaign tests in the days and weeks ahead.

“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running,” he reportedly told campaign staff on a call yesterday.

“No one’s pushing me out,” he said. “I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

Joe Sommerlad4 July 2024 09:30


Trump falsely claims ‘broken down’ Biden is quitting White House race and derides ‘pathetic’ Harris

Good morning – and happy Fourth of July!

Donald Trump, who has largely been lying low and watching Joe Biden become engulfed in crisis since the debate, has posted a video to Truth Social in which he is seen sat in a golf cart wrongly claiming that the president has already dropped out and deriding his vice president Kamala Harris.

“He just quit, you know – he’s quitting the race… and that means we have Kamala,” Trump tells an unidentified person doing the filming.

”I think she’s going to be better,” he scoffs.

“She’s so pathetic, she’s so f***ing bad. Can you imagine… dealing with [Vladimir] Putin, the president of China – who’s a fierce person, he’s a fierce man, a very tough guy…”

Joe Sommerlad4 July 2024 09:00


VIDEO: Broke Billionaire? Trump Delays Personal Financial Disclosures

Broke Billionaire? Trump Delays Personal Financial Disclosures

Gustaf Kilander4 July 2024 08:00


Biden insists ‘I’m not leaving’ while allies prepare for end of his campaign

President Joe Biden has insisted to his campaign staff that no one is pushing him out and that he’s “not leaving” his re-election campaign after multiple reports have suggested that he is preparing to drop out if he fails crucial campaign tests in the days and weeks ahead.

“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running,” he reportedly told campaign staff on a call on Wednesday.

“No one’s pushing me out,” he said. “I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

A key ally to the president told The New York Times that while Mr Biden remains committed to the race, his next several crucial public appearances could shape his plans for 2024.

Alex Woodward4 July 2024 07:00


How the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling opened the door for a shocking question: Can presidents kill their rivals?

Can a president order a rival’s assassination and get away with it?

It was an absurd hypothetical raised by an appeals court judge to point out the literally unbelievable and dangerous consequences of the legal argument from Donald Trump’s attorneys.

There has never been any legal precedent that would give a president such authority. But according to legal scholars, attorneys and the Supreme Court’s liberal justices, the decision has seemingly opened the door to question whether the commander in chief can commit legal murder.

Alex Woodward4 July 2024 06:00


VIDEO: How much does charisma matter in politics and should it?

How much does charisma matter in politics and should it?

The Independent4 July 2024 05:00


Some of Biden’s wealthiest donors are privately turning on the president

The Times reported on Wednesday that Biden has told an ally that he may end his re-election campaign if he cannot convince voters over the next few days that he’s up to the job.

Gustaf Kilander4 July 2024 04:00


Biden insiders think there’s ‘no question’ Kamala Harris will move to top of ticket

Campaign staffers are preparing to shift their focus to elevating, then electing, Vice President Kamala Harris, sources have told The Independent, even as Joe Biden vehemently denies any intention to stand aside from the 2024 election race.

A steady stream of Democrats have begun calling for Biden to withdraw his candidacy after he spent the 90-minute face-off against former President Donald Trump delivering a number of rambling, nonsensical answers and appearing to lose his train of thought on multiple occasions, leaving supporters aghast at his condition.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spent much of Wednesday’s press briefing telling reporters that it is Biden’s intention to stay in, and he reportedly told campaign staff on a conference call earlier in the day that he intends to remain on the ballot in this year’s election. A Biden campaign spokesperson, Seth Schuster, told The Independent that Biden is “absolutely not dropping out.”

Andrew Feinberg4 July 2024 03:00


Obama privately told allies that he’s concerned about Biden’s path to re-election

Barack Obama has privately raised concerns about Joe Biden’s path to re-election after his shaky debate performance, a sharp deviation from his public comments.

The former president has told allies that he is worried about Democrats’ ability to defeat Donald Trump in November and has warned Biden in recent months about the challenges ahead, according toThe Washington Post.

Before the first presidential debate last week, Obama reminded his friend and former vice president about the stakes of the campaign. This echoes his long-held concerns about Trump’s political strength going into the 2024 election, the report says.

Ariana Baio4 July 2024 02:00

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