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Lauren Boebert primary: MAGA Republican easily wins Colorado primary after scandal and district switch

Lauren Boebert confronted over Beetlejuice incident during debate

MAGA firebrand Lauren Boebert has won the Republican nomination for US House in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District.

The controversial congresswoman easily secured re-election in the state on Tuesday, despite switching to a new congressional district, a scandal-hit campaign and accusations of carpet-bagging.

The race was called in favour of Boebert less than 30 minutes after polls closed at 7pm local time by The Associated Press.

Before polls closed, Boebert’s campaign manager exclusively told The Independent that fewer ballots were cast than expected. “We’ll see how results unfold tonight but no matter the final tally, we’re proud of our effort and grateful for so many voters who have offered their prayers and support for the Congresswoman,” said Drew Sexton.

Boebert, who first planted her MAGA flag in the House of Representatives in 2020, has amassed conservative clout with her attention-seeking antics on Capitol Hill but faced more than her fair share of public embarrassments and setbacks during her campaign.

It was the GOP firebrand’s first election since the Beetlejuice scandal when she was asked to leave a performance of the musical in Denver after she loudly sang along, vaped, and got intimate with her date.


Boebert totes Trump gold high top sneakers at election night party

Lauren Boebert made her loyalty for former president Donald Trump well known on Tuesday night as she claimed re-election in Colorado.

The Republican firebrand entered her election night party in the evening toting a pair of reflective gold sneakers sold by former President Donald Trump and a white “Make America Great Again” hat with Trump’s signature etched across the bill.

Her opponents in the primary were more traditional rivals including former state Senator Jerry Sonnenberg; current state Representatives Mike Lynch and Richard Holtorf; and parental rights advocate Deborah Flora.


Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 03:00


Boebert rival: ‘The vast majority of people in this district do not want her to be the nominee’

Boebert’s main rival in Tuesday’s Colorado GOP primary said that the “vast majority” of people in the district did not want the controversial congresswoman to be their nominee.

Speaking to The Independent, Deborah Flora said: “I think the reality is, Lauren Boebert will always have a floor and a ceiling.

“There will always be a certain amount of people that will just vote for whoever Donald Trump endorses. Now, president Donald Trump, we all expected him to endorse Laura, and he’s loyal. He endorsed her before, it was no surprise.

“So I think she’ll always have a floor because of that, but I think she has a very hard ceiling. And I think the vast majority of people in this district do not want her to be the nominee.”

She added: “I think everybody knows that this is a two woman race completely. I would have no problem winning this evening.”

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:50


Lauren Boebert has won her primary. What now?

Lauren Boebert has won the Republican nomination for the House of Representatives in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District.

The win marks just the latest high-octane interlude in a political career that has been turbulent from the outset — to say the least.

Read the full story here:

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:40


Breaking: Lauren Boebert wins Colorado’s GOP primary

Controversial congresswoman Lauren Boebert has won the Republican nomination for US House in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District.

The Associated Press called the race at 7:22pm local time (MDT).

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:31


Boebert ‘more focused on Celebrity than solutions’ says rival

Colorado GOP candidate Deborah Flora, said that though Tuesday’s primary was a “two woman race completely,” she had heard from voters who believed that her rival Lauren Boebert was “more focused on Celebrity than solutions.”

“Then you have these last year of headlines, and the fact that she moved from the western side of this state – 600 miles – to the eastern United States does not sit well with many people.

“Because in representative government no one is so important that voters wouldn’t want them to run where they authentically have deep roots. And so I think that’s what’s important.”

Polls in Colorado closed at 7pm local time.

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:30


Polls closed in Colorado primaries

Polls have now closed in the Colorado primaries, including the Republican race which sees Lauren Boebert fighting to claim the GOP nomination.

Her main rival in the race, Deborah Flora, seemed confident that the primary was a “two woman race completely” despite previous polls putting Boebert substantially in the lead.

State law in Colorado automatically triggers a recount if the margin of victory is less than 0.5 percent of the total vote.

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:05


Democratic and Republican campaigns staying in same hotel ‘being respectful’

A manager of the Ascent hotel, which is hosting the campaigns of Democrat Ike McCorkle and Republican Deborah Flora, said there was a pleasant lack of animosity between the two sides, and no “partisan bickering.”

Speaking to The Independent, Eda DiPasquale said: “This is great. This is what it’s supposed to look like. We have both the Republicans and Democrats here.

“Everyone’s being respectful.”

McCorkle’s campaign is occupying the first floor of the hotel, while Flora’s is on the second.

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 02:05


The Republican attorney trying to beat a trigger-happy election denier for Lauren Boebert’s old seat

Colorado’s 3rd congressional district has been launched to national prominence thanks to its sitting representative, Lauren Boebert — and attorney Jeff Hurd is hoping Republican voters are no longer looking for MAGA firebrand.

Read the full story here:

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 01:50


Watch: Frisch challenges Boebert in tight Colorado race

Frisch challenges Boebert in tight Colorado race

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 01:20


McCorkle ‘feeling good’ about Democratic primary win

Ahead of polls closing in the Colorado Democratic primary, Ike McCorkle told The Independent : “I’m feeling good, I had a good opportunity to go out and talk to consituencies that the Democratic Party hasn’t necessarily been talking to in recent years.”

Asked about his feelings about another win in November, he replied: “Same answer.”

“I’m not going to Washington to serve any party. I’m going to serve the voters of my district, and the Constitution,” he said.

McCorkle described Joe Biden as “the most successful president in modern history,” adding: “I think he’s done well, especially given unprecedented circumstances.”

Mike Bedigan26 June 2024 01:05

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