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Guns & Gear

Breek Arms Announces Breek-LOK QD Suppressor Mount System

Breek Arms Announces Breek-LOK QD Suppressor Mount System

We take a quick look at Breek Arms’ Breek-LOK, an ultra-lightweight quick-detach suppressor mount system.

Quick-detach mounts are a popular accessory for suppressor owners, especially those who own multiple cans that they want to swap between firearms. Of course, suppressors already add a lot of weight and length to the end of a gun, and going with a mount system over a direct-thread attachment method means adding even more heft and bulk. As is often the case in firearms design, lighter and smaller is better, and that’s exactly what Breek Arms is delivering with its new Breek-LOK.


The Breek-LOK is a quick-detach suppressor HUB mount system that uses the industry-standard 1.375×24 thread pitch for maximum compatibility. The mount is made of titanium which brings its weight down to just 2.4 ounces, significantly less than most others on the market. Also, its 2-lug design enables it to only add 1.2 inches to the length of a suppressor once installed. Inches stack up fast when adding a can to a rifle, so anything that saves space is a welcome innovation. The speed with which a suppressor with a Breek-LOK mount can be installed or removed from a gun is also impressive, as only 1.5 turns are required to do so.


Josh Boomgaarden, President at Breek Arms, said this about the new system:

We are thrilled to introduce the Breek-LOK to firearm enthusiasts everywhere … With its unparalleled combination of lightweight design, lightning-fast operation, and universal compatibility, the Breek-LOK represents a true game-changer in the world of suppressor mounting.

The Breek-LOK HUB mount is available now and MSRP for the mount is $255.

For more information, visit breekarms.com.

More On Suppressors:


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