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Live updates: Stormy Daniels testifies in Donald Trump hush money trial

Trump claims Biden has abandoned Israel: ‘It’s disgraceful’

Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial has resumed at Manhattan Criminal Court following Wednesday’s recess, beginning with the porn star Stormy Daniels returning to the witness stand to face more cross-examination from the defendant’s lawyers.

Ms Daniels sparred with defense attorney Susan Necheles over alleged inconsistencies in the various tellings of her sexual encounter with Mr Trump in 2006 but remained calm and firm in her testimony.

Earlier in cross-examination, she was confronted about whether she “hates” Mr Trump and wants to see him in jail – to which she replied she wants to see him held accountable for his actions.

On Tuesday the defence moved for a mistrial citing Ms Daniels’ “prejudicial” evidence, which was denied by Judge Juan Merchan.

Taking the stand later in the day was Madeleine Westerhout, Mr Trump’s “gatekeeper” and former director of Oval Office operations during the administration. She cried as she fondly recalled her time working for him.

Motions for a lifting of the gag order relating to Ms Daniels and another attempt at a mistrial were denied by Judge Merchan.

Alex Woodward is covering Mr Trump’s trial in Manhattan and will be providing regular updates on proceedings.


Full story: Judge denies Trump’s attempt to lift gag order so he can ‘respond’ to Stormy Daniels testimony

Lawyers for the former president argued that since a key witness – adult film actress Stormy Daniels – has now left the stand, the order should be lifted so Mr Trump can “respond” to her testimony.

Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the case, denied the motion on Thursday, saying he was concerned about “attacks” on Ms Daniels and other witnesses. He added: that he was also concerned with “protecting the integrity of these proceedings as a whole.”

Mike Bedigan & Alex Woodward9 May 2024 23:45


Madeleine Westerhout cries on the stand, fondly recalling her time working for then-president Donald Trump (REUTERS)

Oliver O’Connell9 May 2024 23:17


Trump’s civil fraud trial judge faces probe

The judge in Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial is now under investigation after a hotshot New York real estate attorney claimed he gave him unsolicited advice ahead of the hotly-anticipated multi-million-dollar ruling, according to a report.

Attorney Adam Leitman Bailey told NBC New York that he spoke to Judge Arthur Engoron three weeks before he made his final judgment in the former president’s case, where he found Mr Trump, his two oldest sons, as well as their Trump Organization associates and properties liable for $464m for falsely inflating his assets.

Oliver O’Connell9 May 2024 22:45


Watch: Trump lashes out at judge after failed mistrial bid

Oliver O’Connell9 May 2024 22:21


Judge denies motion for mistrial

At the onset, Judge Merchan argued that the jury is in a position to decide whether to believe Trump or Daniels.

The prosecution doesn’t have to prove the encounter happened, but they can build up her credibility, which was immediately attacked in the opening statements, opening the door for prosecutors for Daniels to tell her story.

“Your motion for a mistrial is DENIED. I’ll see you tomorrow at 9:30.”

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 22:03


“There were many times, not once or times, where Ms Necheles could have objected and didn’t,” says Judge Merchan.

“For some unexplained reason, which I don’t understand, there was no objection to material [or] mention of the condom … I agree, that shouldn’t have come out. I wish that didn’t come out … For the life of me I don’t know what she didn’t object.”

He also mentions that Daniels had backtracked immediately when the way her words came out made it sound like she might’ve been drunk or under the influence, yet Necheles kept bringing it up, drilling it into the jury’s ears.

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 22:00


Steinglass wraps up and Todd Blanche rises.

“What is it Mr Blanche?” Judge Merchan says.

“Very briefly. Very briefly.”

He says what the prosecution said is “not true,” and that Karen McDougal was a witness. Merchan cuts him off.

“I’m not gonna get bogged down on that … That has nothing to do with this motion on a mistrial.”

“I’m making you the ruling. I decide.”

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 21:57


Steinglass mentions that they never had plans to call McDougal, she was just on the witness list.

Blanche holds his arm out and looks at the judge and then at fellow defense attorney Emil Bove as if asking, “are you serious?”

Bove smiles and shakes his head.

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 21:51


The defense is “basically trying to have their cake and eat it too,” Steinglass says.

They’re trying to discredit her while blocking prosecutors from being able to corroborate any of the details of her claims, he says.

“The details are essential to give the jury the tools they need to analyze her credibility.”

“Blanche complains that the details are messy … Those details about what happened in that room, those messy details, that is motive, that is Mr Trump’s motive to silence this woman in 2016 less than a month before the election. … That is why Mr Trump tried so hard to prevent the American people from hearing about this.”

Steinglass adds that the prosecution went out of its way to avoid other details to avoid embarrassing Trump, including details about the sex itself.

Trump just drew Blanche close and pointed as if telling him to respond to that…

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 21:47


Blanche is going over Daniels’ testimony from yesterday, making a very similar argument that he made before for a mistrial. As you’ll remember, the judge shot that down.

“It has nothing to do with the case and why we’re here,” Blanche says.

“We didn’t know these questions were coming,” he says. “We were sitting here, hearing that for the first time.”

Blanche notes that there were objections, and they were sustained.

“That doesn’t excuse the conduct and that doesn’t excuse the question,” Blanche says. “That’s why this type of evidence is so dangerous and so prejudicial.”

“The questions about wearing a condom, judge? … We didn’t know this was coming.”

“It’s a dog whistle for rape.”

Assistant District Attorney Josh Steinglass steps up for the defence.

“OK, so that was a lot … Most of which was not true.”

He notes that most of these details were also in a December interview with prosecutors shared with the defense, the Anderson Cooper interview and elsewhere.

“That claim of ambush is just nonsense.”

Alex Woodward9 May 2024 21:40

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