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Gun Rights

Columbia University president faces censure vote as campus protests spread nationwide: Live updates

Pro-Palestine protesters occupy Columbia university lawn

US university protests against Israel’s actions in Gaza have inspired demonstrations elsewhere in the world, including in Paris, where protesters have occupied the Sciences Po campus.

Police in Paris have been worked to oust the protesters from the campus on Friday.

On Friday, the University Senate at Columbia University will meet to possibly censure the school’s president over her handling of the protests on campus.

In the US, crackdowns on the campus protests continued. Footage taken at Emory University in Georgia shows police using tasers on restrained students and shooting pepperballs at demonstrators. Photos also showed officers binding and tackling professors.

On Wednesday, Police clashed with protesters in New York, at the University of Austin in Texas – where there were arrests – and in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California.

The Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, visited Columbia University on Wednesday and called on university President Minouche Shafik to quit if the protests are not brought under control. He was met with a chorus of boos.

Both Jewish students and students expressing views supproting Palestinians have reported harassment, leading to safety concerns on campuses.

Hundreds of students have been arrested at universities across the US for demonstrating.


Images from Gaza protests across Europe

Police officers stand guard as demonstrators waving Israeli flags hold a counter protest opposite pro-Palestinian activists marching in central London on March 30, 2024 (AFP/Getty)
Demonstrators hold together in front of the Reichstag building housing the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) as police officers clear a pro-Palestinians camp of protesters (AFP via Getty Images)
Students blocking the Sciences-Po university flash the V sign Friday, April 26, 2024 in Paris (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 22:00


WATCH: Columbia student protesters share what it’s like sparking a national wave of activism

Columbia student protesters share what it’s like sparking a national wave of activism

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 21:45


University of Texas at Austin suspends Palestine Solidarity Committee amid ongoing Gaza protests

The University of Texas at Austin said in a statement that the school’s Palestine Solidarity Committe has been put on “interim suspension” as it is allegedly in “violation of institutional rules.”

“To be clear, the group is on interim suspension. Not the individuals. Length of suspension is determined by the Dean of Students office,” Brian Davis, a university spokesman, said in a statement.

The group, which organised Gaza protests at the university, posted on Instagram about the suspension, calling it “an attack on free speech to distract from and enable israel’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people!”

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 21:33


WATCH: 50 arrested on UT Austin campus in Texas amid anti-Israel protest

50 arrested on UT Austin campus in Texas amid anti-Israel protest

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 21:00


Graduating seniors blame USC for ruining end of college with ‘military’ crackdown on pro-Palestine campus protests

With just two weeks to go before their graduation ceremony on 10 May, some said the celebratory atmosphere had vanished and been replaced with one of “almost grief”. Others accused the institution of creating an environment of “us versus them” amongst Jewish and Muslim students.

On Wednesday, like many universities across the country, USC – where tuition can cost up to $95,000 annually – saw demonstrations on campus descend into violence, with armed police arriving to disperse students with rubber bullets and riot gear. Similar shocking scenes played out in states including Georgia, where police used tasers on restrained students and shot pepperballs at demonstrators at Emory University.

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 20:30


Jewish student protesters say Columbia’s pro-Palestine demonstrations aren’t antisemitic

In the week since a protest camp exploded across the grounds of Columbia University in solidarity with Gaza, PhD student Jonathan Ben-Menachem has been fielding worried calls from his family. They had been watching the news and were concerned for his safety.

“I’ve had to reassure them that I am not about to get mobbed by antisemites anytime I go to campus,” he told The Independent. “It’s just people trying to take a stand for what they think is right, very peacefully.”

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 20:00


University of Florida threatens to suspend and banish students, fire faculty if they violate protest rules

The University of Florida has threatened to suspend students protesting for Gaza, and said it would bar them from the campus for three years if they violate the school’s protest rules.

It also said that any faculty or employees caught breaking the protest rules would be fired, WUFT reports.

Protests at the university entered a third day on Friday.

The rules varied in specificity; some prohibited protesters from using bullhorns and speakers, from possessing weapons, or protesting inside buildings. Others were more nebulous, including one that prohibits students from creating a “disruption” or others that said all signs must be carried by hand at all times.

A list of prohibited activities was circulated by campus police late on Thursday. A university spokesperson confirmed to local reporters that the list was authentic.

Camping, use of tents, littering, blocking anyone’s path, and “sleeping” were among the prohibited activities on the list.

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 19:23


GWU threatens disciplinary action for student protesters

The administration at George Washington University in Washington DC issued a statement saying that students participating in protests on campus are in violation of the school’s rules and could face punishment.

“The individuals who remain on University Yard and any who attempt to join them are trespassing on private property and violating university regulations,” a spokesperson for the university said, according to CNN.

DC police have shut downa street where protesters are gathered, but the protest has spilled out beyond the roadway and into a nearby park and the surrounding streets.

“We are aware that individuals who are not GW students have joined the protest, and we have taken steps to restrict access to University Yard,” the statement says. “We will pursue disciplinary actions against the GW students involved in these unauthorized demonstrations that continue to disrupt university operations.”

It was not immediately clear what disciplinary action would be taken against the protesters.

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 19:00


Gaza protests ongoing at French Sciences Po university in Paris

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 18:40


AOC visits students on Columbia University campus

Graig Graziosi26 April 2024 18:25

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