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Gun Rights

USC cancels main commencement ceremony as hundreds arrested at pro-Palestine protests across US colleges: Live

Pro-Palestine protesters occupy Columbia university lawn

The University of California announced it is cancelling its “main stage” commencement due to safety concerns as Gaza protests continue on its Los Angeles campus. The announcement came on the same day that police detained two Emory University professors protesting with students.

Footage taken at Emory University in Georgia shows police using tasers on restrained students and shooting pepperballs at demonstrators. Photos also showed officers binding professors supporting the student protests.

The videos came a day after police used force to try to disperse protests at both the University of Austin in Texas and the University of California in Los Angeles.

On Wednesday, Police clashed with protesters in New York, at the University of Austin in Texas – where there were arrests – and in Los Angeles at the University of Southern California.

The Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, also visited Columbia University and called on university President Minouche Shafik to quit if the protests are not brought under control. He was met with a chorus of boos.

Some Jewish students have faced antisemitic harassment leading to safety concerns on campus.

More than 100 people have been arrested at Columbia alone in connection to the protest encampments which are asking the school to divest financial ties to the war in Gaza.


Students at City College in Harlem joins other New York institutions with protests

Students at City College in Harlem, New York, have joined protesters at institutions across the city and the nation, erecting their own Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

Demonstrators forced back officers from the City University of New York police who tried to enter the encampment. Chants of “I believe that we will win, could be heard” as well as cheers following the officers’ retreat.

Mike Bedigan25 April 2024 23:40


Columbia announces enhanced campus security ahead of further protests

Columbia University has announced that will continue to enhance campus security ahead of further anticipated demonstrations, and amid ongoing negotiations between staff and students.

At a short press briefing on Thursday afternoon Ben Chang, vice president for communications and spokesperson for Columbia, said that extra measures in place would include an increased NYPD presence around the campus and along its perimeter.

Students will continue to require ID to access the campus, and “safety escorts” for all Columbia students were available, Mr Chang said.

He said that a formal negotiation process between students organisers and faculty members was ongoing, adding that the institution hoped the discussions are successfull “otherwise we have to consider options for restoring calm to campus”.

Mike Bedigan25 April 2024 23:15


Columbia’s president, no stranger to complex challenges, walks tightrope on student protests

Columbia University president Minouche Shafik is no stranger to navigating complex international issues, having worked at some of the world’s most prominent global financial institutions.

It remains to be seen, however, if her experience with world conflicts has sufficiently equipped her to navigate the thorny challenges she faces amid ongoing student protests over the Israel-Hamas war.

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 23:00


WATCH: Police in riot gear disperse pro-Palestine protesters on USC campus

Police in riot gear disperse pro-Palestine protesters on USC campus

Pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Southern California were dispersed by police in riot gear on Wednesday, 24 April. The peaceful protest on the university campus escalated suddenly when armed police arrived to disperse student protesters. Police could be seen dragging away students’ tents. Several arrests were made. The incident happened as pro-Palestine protests continue to erupt across US university campuses. More than 400 protesters have been arrested nationwide since the arrests at Columbia University on 18 April.

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 22:30


Georgia Attorney General praises police crackdowns on Gaza protests as Emory students are tased and shot with pepper balls

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr released a statement today calling Gaza protests “antisemitic” — parroting a frequent talking point used by Republicans to denounce the demonstrations — and said the students had no legal right to shut down the school.

“We will proudly stand by any university that takes action to protect the health and safety of Georgia’s students,” Mr Carr said on social media. “Nobody has the legal right to shut down our schools by camping out and making antisemitic threats.”

At least two Emory University professors were arrested, while protesters were tased — even while restrained — and shot with pepper balls by law enforcement officers.

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 22:15


Secretary of State Antony Blinken ‘absolutely’ has heard the demands of campus Gaza protesters

A spokesperson for the State Department said in a statement on Thursday that the Biden administration was aware of the ongoing Gaza demonstrations on US campuses, and that it supports the right to peacefully protest.

Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters that Secretary of State Antony Blinken “absolutely” was aware of the protests and the demands being made by students.

He said that “harmful rhetoric, rhetoric whether it be rooted in antisemitism, Islamophobia, is incredibly problematic and needs to be condemned and called out”.

“We, of course, support the right of anybody to peacefully protest, to demonstrate, to make their voices heard, to express themselves in a peaceful and nonviolent way,” Mr Patel said .“But we’re also not naive to the fact that when it comes to any of the foreign policy that we pursue, 100% of the population is not going to agree with what we’re trying to accomplish.”

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 22:00


Congresswoman Ilhan Omar visits Columbia Gaza protest with her daughter

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar visited student protesters at Columbia University on Thursday.

She was accompanied by her daughter, Isra Hirsi, who was arrested on 18 April while protesting at the embankment and has been suspended from Barnard College as a result.

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 21:45


USC cancels main commencement ceremony following chaotic pro-Palestine protests

The University of Southern California has announced it will not hold its main 2024 graduation ceremony amid pro-Palestone protests on campus and criticism over a previously canceled student speaker.

The institution announced the decision on Thursday after protestors clashed with campus security and police on Wednesday. More than 90 protesters were arrested during the demonstrations.

USC’s 2024 commencement ceremony was scheduled for 10 May. The university said it will still host dozens of commencement events, including all the traditional individual school commencement ceremonies where students cross a stage and receive their diplomas.

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 21:35


GWU president says pro-Palestine students erected an ‘unauthorised protest encampment’

George Washington University president Ellen M Granberg issued a statement saying DC Metropolitan Police were called to remove an “unauthorised protest encampment” on the campus.

“The encampment, unlike some demonstrations in the past, is an unauthorized use of university space at this location and violated several university policies,” Ms Granberg said in a statement. “The decision to request MPD assistance came after multiple instructions made by GWPD to relocate to an alternative demonstration site on campus went unheeded by encampment participants.”

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 21:20


USC cancels its commencement ceremony amid ongoing Gaza protests on campus

The University of Southern California has reportedly cancelled its commencement ceremony a day after students began protesting for Gaza on its campus in Los Angeles.

“With the new safety measures in place this year, the time needed to process the large number of guests coming to campus will increase substantially,” the school wrote in a statement. “As a result, we will not be able to host the main stage ceremony that traditionally brings 65,000 students, families, and friends to our campus all at the same time and during a short window from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.”

Graig Graziosi25 April 2024 21:13

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