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US Base In Syria Targeted By Hezbollah

A United States base in Syria has been targeted by the terrorist group, Hezbollah.  This is the first time the U.S. has been specifically targeted since February in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

At least five rockets were fired at an American base in northeastern Syria, Reuters reported on Sunday, citing two unnamed Iraqi security officials. The projectiles were reportedly launched from the town of Zummar in northwestern Iraq. Reuters did not specify if there were any casualties.

The incident came one day after a fatal blast at an Iraqi military command post north of Baghdad. The explosion reportedly killed one member of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and injured eight other people. US and Israeli military officials both denied having any involvement in the blast. There were no drones or warplanes in the airspace around the command post at the time of the explosion, the Iraqi army said. –RT

The Iraq-based group Kataib Hezbollah later released a statement saying that it had decided to resume attacks on U.S. personnel. “What happened a short while ago is the beginning,” the group said, as quoted by the Jerusalem Post.

Iran ATTACKS, But not even a Scratch

Iranian-backed militias had halted their attacks against US military installations in the region in February after Washington launched retaliatory airstrikes on dozens of targets in Iraq and Syria. Militants launched rockets and drones against US forces in the Middle East more than 150 times between last October, when the Israel-Hamas war started, and February, capped by an attack that killed three Americans and wounded 40 others at an outpost in Jordan. –RT

Sunday’s attack involved a rocket launcher mounted on a small truck, according to Reuters. An Iraqi army officer said the truck caught fire in an explosion from unfired rockets and was apparently hit in an airstrike, possibly by US forces. The unidentified militants fled the area in another vehicle.

There has been an uptick in largely ineffective violence this week, in which Iran and Israel traded aerial attacks on each other.



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