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Guns & Gear

Setting the Record Straight: Is RemArms Closed, Bankrupt, or Thriving?

After the IWA Show (Internationale Waffen Ausstellung – aka IWA OutdoorClassics Show) in Germany, there has been a lot of confusion as to whether or not Remington Firearms (RemArms) is in business or not?… If they were bankrupt (yet again) or still viable. This cloud of confusion was due to the closure of the legendary Remington Plant in Ilion, New York. Remington Firearms’ CEO jumped on an unlisted YouTube video that was shared through their email newsletter to set the record straight.

RemArms @ TFB:

The closure of the Remington Plant in Ilion, New York suggested to many that RemArms was done forever once again. This is not the case and RemArms wants to set the record straight. If you haven’t been updated on Remington Firearms in a while, here is a loose timeline of what has occurred and what they hope to achieve in the near future:

  • Late November 2023: RemArms announces closing of Ilion, New York plant (1 Million Square Foot facility)
    • Considered “old, outdated, and cost prohibitive to operate”
    • Consisted of 42 buildings; 22 of which were built from 1914 – 1916
    • New York state legislative environment was not hospitable or conducive to work anymore
  • December 2023 – April 2024: Moving Equipment to LaGrange, Georgia ongoing
    • Both the state of Georgia and the City of LaGrange have been tremendously welcoming
    • Considered a “Temporary Facility” for the time being
    • Fully engaged in both manufacturing and distribution at this temporary facility
  • April 2024: 1st Week of April a cement pad will be poured on a cleared 43 acre site in LaGrange, Georgia
  • September 2024: Fully operational at RemArms Global Headquarters in LaGrange, Georgia

The closure of the Ilion, New York plant is complete, but moving the equipment into LaGrange is still ongoing. According to RemArms, the new LaGrange plant will be the new home of RemArms: “a modern, efficient and state-of-the-art facility for our firearms manufacturing, distribution, research and development and corporate headquarters.” The new RemArms global headquarters in LaGrange is scheduled to be fully operational in September of this year, and I will be one of many to state that I hope they are right. Remington is a legendary name in both ammunition and firearms, and we sorely want to see them continue on. Not just in name, but continue to carry their legacy of quality ‘arms for generations of people to come. As always, let us know all of your thoughts about Remington Firearms in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.

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