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Gun Rights

Suspect arrested after alleged arson attack at Bernie Sanders’ office

A suspect was arrested on Sunday after police announced that a fire reported Friday at the office of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was being investigated as an act of arson.

In a news release, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Vermont stated that Shant Soghomonian, 35, had been arrested and charged with one count of intentionally setting a fire with the purpose of damaging the senator’s office. He faces a maximum of five years in prison if convicted.

Security footage captured a man, whom the DoJ alleges to be Mr Soghomonian, spraying some sort of chemical accelerant on the door of the senator’s office after he entered the Burlington, Vermont building on Friday morning. The act was assumed to have been targeted given that the suspect climbed two floors to reach the senator’s office.

Mr Soghomonian has not yet reportedly retained legal counsel.

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