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Guns & Gear

SILENCER SATURDAY #323: Suppressors With Defined Borders

SILENCER SATURDAY #323: Suppressors With Defined Borders

Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the brand new YHM 338 Bad Larry Suppressor. Last week we discussed the purported criminal use of suppressors. This week we take a look at the reasons why you can’t take certain firearms, including silencers, across international borders, even if they are legal in your destination country. If you had dreams of packing your favorite can for that dangerous game safari hunt, it’s probably not an option. Let’s take a look.

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SILENCER SATURDAY #323: Suppressors With Defined Borders

As I sit here on a Boeing 777 somewhere between Doha and Bangkok, I wondered what it would take to bring an 8.6 Blackout SBR and YHM Bad Larry suppressor on an international big game hunt. A trip through Instagram or Facebook on any of the active hunting accounts and you’ll see high net-worth individuals with their custom double barrel rifles, shotguns, and sometimes, suppressors.
Individuals traveling abroad for sporting purposes like hunting and competitions can apply for temporary exportation permits from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

CBP Form 4457, Certificate of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad.

There are many considerations to keep in mind before considering applying for a temporary export permit, including the laws of the host country you will be visiting, the U.S. Arms Export Control Act (EAR), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and the Commerce Control List (CCL).

Sportsmen traveling internationally with firearms and/or ammunition need to comply with the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Export Control Reform Act (ECRA), Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and customs laws and regulations. Typically, most commonly owned firearms, ammunition, firearm parts, firearm accessories, and related items are listed on the Commerce Control List (CCL) and are subject to the ECRA and EAR.

Suppressors fall into an excepted category that generally mean that individuals are barred from applying for temporary export permits.

Exceptions to this general rule are for machineguns, silencers, armor piercing, or incendiary ammunition, and most firearms and ammunition of greater than .50 caliber, which are listed on the U.S. Munitions List (USML) and subject to the AECA and ITAR.

In general, competitive shooters and hunters seeking to export equipment for sporting purposes will primarily be subject to the requirements of the ECRA and the EAR, and will export items listed on the CCL; however, sportsmen should be aware that certain equipment may be listed on the USML, and that equipment will be subject to licensing requirements under the AECA and ITAR. In addition, optics, lasers, night vision, and other items may be considered single-use or dual use items heavily controlled by ITAR.

Sportsmen should also be aware that optics, illuminators, and designators are subject to export controls and will also be listed on either the USML or CCL and subject to the AECA and ITAR or the ECRA and EAR, respectively. While most items sportsmen commonly seek to export for sporting and recreational purposes do require export licenses, often license exceptions under the EAR or ITAR will apply. As of a few years ago, U.S. manufacturers can apply for export permits for suppressors, but in general this activity is commerce-based (sales).

All of these regulations apply to all forms of boarder crossings, including air, land, and sea. And international shipping is covered as well.

Export regulations apply to any removal of these items from the territorial boundaries of the United States regardless of transportation mode or method. This includes, but is not limited to, commercial and private air travel, pedestrian and motor vehicle land border crossings, international passenger and commercial rail lines, private, commercial, and merchant watercraft, and international mail and courier parcels.

Most hunting and guide outfits will provide firearms for customers use, including suppressors if they are allowed  in that country. Unless you are one of TFB’s resident one percenters, my suggestion would be to forego the export process and utilize the gear provided by the guide company.

Silencer Central has a great write-up on traveling internationally with firearms:


Thanks for reading. Be safe, have fun, and we’ll see you back here next week for another Silencer Saturday – Erik, our resident Nordic writer will be guest hosting.




DEALERS: If you want your link to buy YHM suppressors included in future Silencer Saturday B

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