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Sebastian Rogers updates: Authorities log 10,000 miles searched as father tries ‘to keep up hope’

Missing Sebastian Rogers’ father speaks as search reaches one month mark

Authorities in Tennessee revealed on Tuesday that at least 10,000 miles had been logged by those searching for missing teenager Sebastian Rogers.

The 15-year-old has not been seen since he went to bed on 25 February in Hendersonville, with his mother and stepfather reporting him missing the following morning.

Now we have had insight from the Sumner County Emergency Communications Centre, where officials said that around 1,500 people have been involved in the search and investigation so far.

On Monday night, we heard from the boy’s parents, with his father saying he was not giving up hope of finding his son, despite there being no sign for four weeks.

“I still can’t figure it out. I’ve been looking everywhere, handing out flyers,” A teary Mr Rogers told News Nation.

Sebastian’s mother, meanwhile, believes someone took him.


Where is Hendersonville?

Sebastian Rogers disappeared from his home in Hendersonville, Sumner County.

The town, with a population of around 61,000, sits close to Nashville, Tennessee.

It sits along the Cumberland River, which wraps around the town’s southern side, while there is mostly rural land to the north.

Dan Gooding27 March 2024 05:17


Investigators not giving up hope

Around 1,500 people have been involved in the search for Sebastian so far.

In an update on Tuesday, the director of the Emergency Operations Centre in Sumner County, Ken Weidner, said they were not giving up hope:

Dan Gooding27 March 2024 03:30


Watch: Father’s emotional interview

Seth Rogers, Sebastian’s father, said on Monday night that he had been searching for his boy every day:

Missing Sebastian Rogers’ father speaks as search reaches one month mark

Dan Gooding27 March 2024 01:23


Mother believes someone has her son

In an interview released Monday afternoon, Sebastian’s mother Katie Proudfoot said she believed someone had to have her son, otherwise he would have been found by now.

Read more of the story here.

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 23:17


Sebastian’s home searched at least ten times

Ken Weidner told the channel that divers had been deployed to search local ponds and sinkholes, while caves and storm drains had also been explored.

“The house was searched at least 10 times. Dogs? Yes,” Mr Weidner said, adding that bloodhounds and cadaver dogs had been used.

So far, none have successfully picked up a trail for Sebastian and the search continues.

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 21:54


What have investigators said?

There has not been an official update from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation since Friday.

At that point, over 240 tips had been received on the case, with locals urged to keep checking their properties and vehicles.

Investigators have also been re-interviewing people and checking over evidence gathered so far.

“Any information you may have about Sebastian…what he likes to do, where he likes to go, people he may know…if it can help us find Sebastian, please let us know,” the TBI said in its update.

The bureau urged people to use the tip line at 1-800-TBI-FIND to provide any relevant information they may have, or to email [email protected].

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 19:32


Investigators say they have seen ‘no sign’ of Sebastian

Reporting from the Emergency Operations Centre in Sumner County on Tuesday showed the vast area searched already for Sebastian.

Local News Channel 5 reporter Nick Beres spoke with the centre’s director Ken Weidner, who explained that hundreds of people had been involved in the search for the 15-year-old.

“We’ve got close to 1,500 searchers… the first two days we logged 2,000 search miles,” Mr Weidner said, adding that there had still been no sign of Sebastian.

“We’re not stopping, we’re working on leads and information from TBI and the Sheriff’s Office and we’ve got teams on standby ready to go right now.”

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 18:22


ICYMI: Father speaks of breakdown in communication with mother, stepdad

Seth Rogers wiped away tears as he spoke of his month-long search for his boy in an interview on Monday night:

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 17:54


Sebastian had never left home alone before

Sebastian’s mother Katie Proudfoot said in an interview with Crime Stories with Nancy Grace on Monday that he was never one to wander off.

“We haven’t had issues with him running or taking off in the past,” Ms Proudfoot said, whilst also explaining that he had not really socialised with school friends.

The mother said she did not typically check on Sebastian throughout the night, now, as he had gotten older.

The prevailing theory is that Sebastian left the home of his own accord, barefoot, sometime in the night.

Nancy Grace repeatedly asked them about details on the lighting around the house and whether there was any evidence of Sebastian having left the home, which the couple said they did not have.

Dan Gooding26 March 2024 16:56


Pictured: 15-year-old missing for a month

Sebastian Rogers has not been seen in four weeks. He was last seen wearing a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

Sebastian Rogers was last seen before bed on 25 February 2024


Dan Gooding26 March 2024 16:45

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