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Gun Rights

Police dog stabbed by violent suspect as officers rush to save him | News

Police officers in Nevada raced to save the life of their K9, Enzo, after he was stabbed multiple times by a “violent suspect”

In footage shared by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD), the dog’s handler can be heard trying to keep Enzo, who had lost a lot of blood, calm.

“It’s okay, you did so good, buddy. You’re a good boy,” the officer says, as they rush to the closest vet.

Once he was in stable condition, a police helicopter was called to airlift the injured dog to a veterinary trauma hospital.

The K9 has since started his recovery.

“Enzo was saved by the collective actions of so many and thanks to the talented medical workers who stabilized and treated Enzo, he is alive and recovering today,” LVMPD wrote.

The K9 had raced in to protect a team of officers when they were called to detain an armed man on 29 March.

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