New Research: Billions Of Humans Are Deficient In Critical Nutrients

New research published in the Lancet Global Health journal reveals that more than half of the world’s population is severely deficient in micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as humanity has been told for decades to eat processed carbohydrates, remove meat from their diet, and stay out of the sun.
An astounding 99.3 percent of the entire global population, including some of the most wealthy people, are lacking in at least one vital nutrient the body needs for wellness, the paper explains. “Our study is a big step forward,” commented Chris Free, a research professor and the study’s lead co-author.
Researchers collected data from 31 countries and used an estimate for micronutrient intake across 185 countries. They looked at 15 micronutrients in particular that are recognized as critical for human health.
The team identified seven common micronutrients that people appear to be the most deficient in: calcium, iodine, vitamin E, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin C, and folate. In the United States, vitamin E, iodine, and vitamin C are among the most common micronutrient deficiencies. Throughout the world, children younger than five years old are generally lacking in iron, zinc, and/or vitamin A.
“Not only because [this study] is the first to estimate inadequate micronutrient intakes for 34 age-sex groups in nearly every country, but also because it makes these methods and results easily accessible to researchers and practitioners,” added Free.
“Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, leading to impaired cognition and adverse pregnancy outcomes,” the authors explain in their paper. “Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness globally, affecting mostly children and pregnant women.”
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According to this study, the deficiencies are from vitamins and minerals found in animal foods that are hugely bioavailable to humans. For example, the study says that 39% of the world is B12 deficient. Another study suggests that nearly 40% of Americans over 60 and up to 80% in some parts of Africa and Asia may be affected by vitamin B12 deficiency, likely making that understated. This is most likely due to the ruling class pushing a plant-based carbohydrate-heavy diet on the populations. As more red meat is avoided, these deficiencies rise.
Some comments from people include the obvious statement that this is being done intentionally to keep humans desperate and sick, and fully dependent on the medical system set up to also keep them since. “The U.S. has the worst food in the world,” another added, referring to GMOs (genetically modified organisms), chemical preservatives, petroleum-based food colorings, seed oils, ultra-processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and other toxic food additives (like sugar).
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