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Guns & Gear

2024 Batch of Kopis Designs L-Via Fixed Blade is Here

Sponsored by: KnivesShipFree

Fixed blade aficionados listen up: another round of the Kopis Design’s L-Via mid-tech just landed over on KnivesShipFree. The returning favorite offers an enticing blend of tactically-inflected practicality and super lightweight carry.

The 2.5-inch hawkbill blade is the star of the show here. Knife community wisdom places the hawkbill into a self-defense category, and there’s much truth in that designation; however, as the knife community grows and collective knowledge accumulates, more and more users are realizing that the shape brings some serious advantages to day-to-day work too. It’s a whiz at pull cuts, of course, and also does very delicate, high-control chores with aplomb, thanks to that exaggerated, downturned tip. The models with the concave spine (first released in 2022) provide the perfect place to rest your finger for guiding these kinds of cuts, too.

The multivalent usability is backed up by one of the OG do-all stainless steels, 154CM. This stuff has a long history in the knife world, where it first appeared on premium customs, then slowly became incorporated into high end production stuff, and now makes appearances at price points across the map. 154CM’s balanced characteristics are ideal for a knife like L-Via, which aims at a very wide swathe of possible duties.

Then there’s that handle, a featherweight GFN arc, but one reversed from most, arcing up as it moves away from the blade. This, in conjunction with the finger groove on the spine-side back end, are indicators that the L-Via was a knife made with the reverse grip in mind – a grip that, like the knife itself, is typically associated with tactical use but works wonders in specific quotidian applications as well. Then of course there is the unsung feature of the L-Via, its extreme light weight: at less than 2 oz. with the sheath, the L-Via offers a lot without making a demand on your carry capacity.

The Kopis L-Via is available now at KnivesShipFree.

Knife in Featured Image: Kopis Designs L-Via

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